For Chattanooga Area Business Owners:

Are You Capitalizing on the Four Most Powerful Levers to Grow Your Business?

If the answer is “NO” or even “I don’t know,” then you owe it to yourself to take just a few minutes to read this page…

I know your time is valuable, so I’ll get right to the point.

The Four Systems Local Businesses Need…

It’s our experience that there are four R’s that every local business like yours needs to plan for and optimize to maximize growth potential.

Collectively, they make up The Local Business Leverage System.

And here they are (in a very specific order!):

The first R is Reputation. 

Today, anyone can make a comment about your business online, positive, or negative.

Our data shows that over 50 percent of consumers say that the first thing they do when considering working with a small business is to go online and research their reputation. 

If you’re not proactively managing your reputation, you could be running into problems.

In fact, over 90 percent of people say that the feedback about a business they see online is just as important to them in making their decision as feedback directly from a friend or a relative.

The second R is Resell. 

Before you invest the marketing dollars to advertise for new prospects or customers, it’s absolutely critical that you have the systems in place to maximize the lifetime revenue you’re getting from those customers.

This is the only way to ensure ROI from your advertising dollars.

Which means that you need to have systematic processes in place for up-selling them when they make their initial transaction. You need a system for cross-selling them with other complimentary products and services that you have, and then you need to resell them over time by keeping in touch with them and nurturing those relationships. 

In fact, our experience shows that you need to keep in touch with everyone in your market at least once a month to remind them that you’re there, and remind them of your products and services.

The third R is Reach

Simply put, you need to make more people know about your business today than did yesterday. 

What are you doing to reach out to more and more of your ideal prospects and customers? Are you making sure more of them know about your business, and know about the benefits you have to offer? Why should they buy from you instead of your competition?

You need to know the answers to these questions. If you’re not proactively reaching out to expand the universe of people that know about your business, your opportunities are always going to be limited, and ultimately the amount of growth you plan to achieve is going to be limited.

And the fourth R is Retargeting

There is an old ‘Rule of 7’ in marketing that says that a consumer needs an average of seven impressions before a prospect remembers your business and is likely to take some sort of action.

But that rule was created decades ago when we saw an average of 500 ads each day. That number has increased over 10X now, so it’s safe to say that the ‘Rule of 7’ probably needs to get bumped up as well.

Regardless of what that specific number is, we know we need to stay in front of prospects!

Retargeting allows us to make sure that the prospects that have already demonstrated some degree of interest in doing business with you – they already visited your site – are going to continue to see your business over and over again by showing them ads over time.

Because these ads are directed at warm prospects, it’s the highest ROI advertising you’ll ever do.

These systems will ignite growth at your business.

The reality is that in today’s competitive business environment, you can’t afford to be without these marketing systems at your business.

Having these systems in place and optimized can each account for about 25 percent growth individually, but combined have a compounding effect that can ignite growth to 100 percent or more annually. 

If you’re not using these four systems to their fullest, then you are missing opportunities!

Which is why we’re here.

Here’s what we’ve done…

We’re Hosting A Free Virtual Seminar To Share How to Strategically Market Your Business Using The Four R’s. 

But We Only Have Seats Available For Ten People…

Since I started Chattanooga Local, I’ve been fortunate to work with great business owners like you and using the R4 Local Business Leverage system to boost sales and profits. I’ve discovered that this strategic approach is THE most efficient, affordable, and measurable way of generating new leads for your business while continuing to nurture your existing clients. 

But here’s the rub: there is an art and science to doing it right. We’ve figured it out, and we can help you!

The results have been nothing short of fantastic! Check out what some of our clients have to say: 

David did a great job with my website and connecting all my systems and platforms. We worked out all the bugs and streamlined a large portion of revenue stream. Thank you David!

-Mike Cody – Owner Vision Construction

David has been instrumental in helping our business grow. He’s very knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful. He’s very quick to respond to my calls for help no matter how trivial!

-Christie Adams – Owner One Family Financial

David is a great source to have if you have a website or need a website. David Hawke has worked for many for many years building my websites and keeping them up to date. I wouldn’t want anyone handling my websites. He is top notch

-Judy Gober – Director Mechanical Contractors Association

David is always so quick to respond when we need something changed on our website! So happy we found someone as talented as him to promote our business.

-Kaley – Banana Tree Organic Salon

I’m very confident that we can get similar results for you. So confident, in fact, that

I’ve got a special offer for you:

Attend My Free Virtual Seminar or I’ll Come To your Business To Create A Custom Plan For You, You’ll Learn Proven Strategies To Grow Your Business In 2024, Or I’ll Give You A $50 Gift Certificate To Your Favorite Restaurant


I’m so confident that we can help you make money using the R4 system to market your business that I’m willing to make you the following good-natured bet:

If you attend our event, I will personally guide you through a series of innovative ways to grow your business using the 4 R’s.

Ultimately, if I can’t show you how to grow your business and make more money in the next year with the R4 system, we’ll gladly send you to a wonderful dinner, on us.

My No-Strings-Attached Promise

I want to be very clear that there are no expectations on our part for you to do or buy anything when you sign up for this business-changing webinar.

So go ahead and put us to the challenge right now while you’re thinking about it. The worst that can happen is a $50 gift certificate to your favorite restaurant.

Please Join Me as My Guest!

This session will be limited to a maximum of 10 people so that we can give ample time to answer questions related to your specific business challenges. 

If you have any questions, please contact me at or you can call or text me directly at 423-561-3453.

I look forward to seeing you on the webinar!

David Hawke

Chattanooga Local

P.S. – This training WILL change the way you look at growing your business. Register today —it’s certain to reach capacity quickly! See you there!

David did a great job with my website and connecting all my systems and platforms. We worked out all the bugs and streamlined a large portion of revenue stream. Thank you David!

Mike Cody

Vision Construction, Vision Construction

David is always so quick to respond when we need something changed on our website! So happy we found someone as talented as him to promote our business.


Banana Tree Organic Salon

David has been instrumental in helping our business grow. He’s very knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful. He’s very quick to respond to my calls for help no matter how trivial!

Christie Adams

One Family Financial